The Omicron Tau Lambda Chapter was the brainchild of the late Brother Glover M. Hickson, Sr. The chapter held its first formal meeting in the spring of 1981 in the parsonage of Cumberland A.M.E church. The purpose of the meeting was to start the process for the establishment of an Alpha Phi Alpha Alumni chapter in Aiken, SC. Brothers in attendance included Brother Reverend David Walker, the pastor of Cumberland, Brother Willar Hightower, Jr., Brother Augustus Stevens, and Brother Robert Brooks. These brothers went about the task of setting the framework for the establishment of the Omicron Tau Lambda chapter. However, their efforts were delayed due to the untimely death of Brother Hickson.
It was not until 1986, under the leadership of the chapter’s first president, Brother James W. Moton, that formal proceedings were started to secure a charter from the National organization. The charter was granted on April 26, 1987. The charter members of the Omicron Tau Lambda Chapter were: Robert Brooks (Omega Chapter), Willar Hightower, Jr., Curtis Moody, James Moton, John Osby, Thomas Payton, Charles Ray, Arthur Smith (Omega Chapter), Augusts Stephens, Raul Thomas, and David Walker.
The chartering ceremony was performed at Friendship Baptist Church. The Executive Officers for the chartering ceremony were:
Brother James W. Moton - President,
Brother Thomas Payton -Vice President,
Brother Reverend David Walker - Secretary
Brother Arthur Smith - Treasurer
The chapter has continued to grow with the addition of brothers who moved in to area and have become active members of the chapter. The chapter conducted their first initiation on January 27, 1990. The first brothers initiated into Omicron Tau Lambda were Brother Lester Diggs, Brother Patrick A. Brown, Brother Henderson Phiniezy and Brother George Pope.
In 1991 Omicron Tau Lambda began the process of establishing an undergraduate chapter on the campus of the University of South Carolina Aiken. The Sigma Tau chapter was chartered in 1992 (February 28, 1992) under the leadership of Omicron Tau Lambda.
Fast forward .... the chapter has been actively involved with numerous community service projects to further the fraternity’s mission, to promote brotherhood and academic excellence while providing service and advocacy for our [Aiken] community. In 2010, the District of South Carolina crowned Omicron Tau Lambda the Alumni Chapter of the Year for their diligent work in the Aiken community.